Software Installation Inquiries

From ACCRE Wiki

Users can request for installation of software (that abide to the policies mentioned below) on the ACCRE cluster.

To request a software installation, please use the PI Dashboard's software installation form.


  1. End users should become reasonably familiar with the software they use. If it is open source, end users should know how to compile, install and maintain their software.
  2. ACCRE staff are responsible for ensuring that failure in software installed either by end users or ACCRE staff is not caused by the normal operation of the cluster. Prima Facie evidence that the cluster is not the problem is exit_status=0 from the scheduler. There may be other indicators. All of these indicators should be in a FAQ entry.
  3. ACCRE staff have provided information under this site’s “Documentation” section for the most common software installs to include R, Perl, Python and Ruby. User’s should consult those before submitting questions.
  4. End users needing to compile and install software must make a good faith effort to install it locally themselves.
  5. ACCRE staff may ask end users to come to ACCRE offices where the staff can assist them with particular problem points in the download, compile and install process.
  6. PI’s may be asked to pay ACCRE staff time and support for software compiled and installed for a single user or group.
  7. If it is recognized that some set of software is, or will be, widely used by the research community, the ACCRE staff should be responsible for installing and maintaining that set.