Ruby on the ACCRE Cluster

From ACCRE Wiki

More information Ruby Official Website. Ruby is a dynamic, fully object oriented, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

Ruby Versions

To see the versions of Ruby available on the cluster you need only do:

module spider Ruby

Running this command a second time with the version information included will provide more detailed information:

module spider Ruby/2.3.1

To select the default version of Ruby, you need only do:

module load GCC Ruby

You can also include the version number if you prefer more control over the version you’ll be running.

Install and Manage Ruby Gems (aka packages)

Ruby gems are easy to add to a local repository in your home directory, just remember to use the --user-install option when you download the gem. For example:

gem install text-table --no-rdoc --no-ri --user-install

will download and install the gem into your home directory in a a directory named .gem, and if that directory does not exist, gem will create it for you. This example shows how to avoid installing the documentation for the gem.

To see the list of gems currently installed both system-wide and in your local repository do:

gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

bigdecimal (1.2.6)
io-console (0.4.3)
json (1.8.1)
minitest (5.4.3)
power_assert (0.2.2)
psych (2.0.8)
rake (10.4.2)
rdoc (4.2.0)
test-unit (3.0.8)
text-table (1.2.4)

It is important to remember that gems are sensitive to the version of ruby you are using. If you are using 2.3.1, for example, and download and install a gem, that gem will not be available if you switch to a different version.

Example Script

Here is a sample script, which I wrote to make the output of sacct more managble. To see the output from sacct do this with a jobid (note that the command is a single long line):

sacct --format=user,jobid,account,jobname,
submit,start,end --jobs 2376732
User        JobID    Account    JobName      State ExitCode  Tim     
elimit     ReqMem     MaxRSS  ReqCPUS      NCPUS   NNodes        Node
List              Submit               Start                 End 
--------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----
------ ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -----------
---- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
msrc 2376732       mass_spec PROD15982+  COMPLETED      0:0   02
:00:00     1000Mn                   1          1        1          vm
p515 2015-06-08T14:52:26 2015-06-08T14:52:27 2015-06-08T14:53:48 
          2376732.bat+  mass_spec      batch  COMPLETED      0:0 
           1000Mn     13532K        1          1        1          vm
p515 2015-06-08T14:52:27 2015-06-08T14:52:27 2015-06-08T14:53:48

Now, login to the cluster and do this instead:

rtracejob 2376732
|    User: msrc    |      JobID: 2376732      |
| Account          | mass_spec                |
| Job Name         | PROD1598283              |
| State            | Completed                |
| Exit Code        | 0:0                      |
| Wall Time        | 02:00:00                 |
| Requested Memory | 1000Mn                   |
| Memory Used      | 13532K                   |
| CPUs Requested   | 1                        |
| CPUs Used        | 1                        |
| Nodes            | 1                        |
| Node List        | vmp515                   |
| Wait Time        | 0.0 minutes              |
| Run Time         | 1.4                      |
| Submit Time      | Mon Jun  8 14:52:26 2015 |
| Start Time       | Mon Jun  8 14:52:27 2015 |
| End Time         | Mon Jun  8 14:53:48 2015 |
| Today's Date     | Wed Jun 10 12:41:48 2015 |

Nice difference! You can use ruby to massage the output from many of the SLURM commands that are used to query information about jobs. Here is the script (note the “\” symbols denote line continuation) to which you are more than welcome:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

#    _   ___ ___ ___ ___                           #
#   /_\ / __/ __| _ \ __|                          #
#  / _ \ (_| (__|   / _|                           #
# /_/ \_\___\___|_|_\___|                          #
#                                                  #
# - Charles Johnson <> #
# - June, 2015                                     #
#                                                  #

require 'text-table'
require 'time'

# Do some minimal error checking
if ARGV.size != 1
  puts "Usage: rtracejob "

job = ARGV[0].to_i

if job < 1
  puts "Need a valid jobid."
  puts "Usage: rtracejob "

# Query slurm for data about the job.
sacct_output  = `sacct --format=user,jobid,account,jobname,state,exitcode, \
timelimit,reqmem,maxrss,reqcpus,ncpus,nnodes,nodelist,submit,start,end \
--jobs "#{job}" --parsable`.chomp()

# if sacct returns a ".batch" in its output, we can get the maxrss
if sacct_output =~ /\.batch/
  sacct_output = \
  sacct_output = sacct_output.split("\n")
  keys   = sacct_output[0].split("|")
  values = sacct_output[1].split("|")
  values[8] = values[23]
  #split the return string to build a hash
  sacct_output = sacct_output.split("\n")
  keys   = sacct_output[0].split("|")
  values = sacct_output[1].split("|")

table_data =
(0..15).each { |i| table_data[keys[i]] = values[i] }

#we always have a submit time
submit_time =  Time.parse(table_data["Submit"])

# create a start time if there is one
start_time = (table_data["Start"] == "" || table_data["Start"] == \
               "Unknown") ? "" : Time.parse(table_data["Start"])

# create an end time if there is one
end_time = (table_data["End"] == "" || table_data["End"] == \
               "Unknown") ? "" : Time.parse(table_data["End"])

# create a run time if we have both start and end
run_time = (start_time != "" && end_time != "") == true ? \
           ((end_time - start_time) / 60.0).round(1) : ""

#create the wait time
wait_time = (start_time != "") ? ((start_time - \
             submit_time) / 60.0).round(1) : (( - \
             submit_time) / 60.0).round(1)

# reformat slurm data for human consumption
table_data["ExitCode"] = "" if table_data["State"] == "RUNNING"
table_data["MaxRSS"]   = "Unknown" if table_data["MaxRSS"] == ""
table_data["Submit"]   = Time.parse(table_data["Submit"]).asctime()
table_data["Start"]    = start_time == "" ? "Not yet known" : \
table_data["End"]      = end_time == "" ? "Not yet known" : \

# create the table and add our data
table =

table.head = ["User: " + table_data["User"], "JobID: " + \

table.rows << [["Account ",         table_data["Account"]]]
table.rows << [["Job Name",         table_data["JobName"]]]
table.rows << [["State",            table_data["State"].capitalize()]]
table.rows << [["Exit Code",        table_data["ExitCode"]]]
table.rows << [["Wall Time",        table_data["Timelimit"]]]
table.rows << [["Requested Memory", table_data["ReqMem"]]]
table.rows << [["Memory Used",      table_data["MaxRSS"]]]
table.rows << [["CPUs Requested",   table_data["ReqCPUS"]]]
table.rows << [["CPUs Used",        table_data["NCPUS"]]]
table.rows << [["Nodes",            table_data["NNodes"]]]
table.rows << [["Node List",        table_data["NodeList"]]]
table.rows << [["Wait Time",        wait_time.to_s + " minutes"]]
table.rows << [["Run Time",         run_time]]
table.rows << [["Submit Time",      table_data["Submit"]]]
table.rows << [["Start Time",       table_data["Start"]]]
table.rows << [["End Time",         table_data["End"]]]

table.foot = ["Today's Date",]

# output the table
puts table

Contributing New Examples

In order to foster collaboration and develop local Ruby expertise at Vanderbilt, we encourage users to submit examples of their own to ACCRE’s Ruby Github repository . Instructions for doing this can be found on GitHub Repositories .

The Ruby logo shown above is Copyright © 2006, Yukihiro Matsumoto. It is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License agreement.