PI Dashboard : Basic Feature

From ACCRE Wiki

PI Dashboard is a comprehensive dashboard interface for the cluster to facilitate user management, group management and ticket creation. You can access PI Dashboard here. To begin, you must have a valid vunetid to be able to log in through Vanderbilt SSO. After the login, if you're a Non-ACCRE user, you can request for an ACCRE account through the dashboard. Please note that account creation is subject to approval by the PI of the selected group during the signup process.

Basic Features

These features are accessible to all of the ACCRE users. Other management features are limited only to the PI.

User Support Ticket and Software Installation Requests

The PI Dashboard serves as the primary platform for creating helpdesk tickets and submitting software installation request for the cluster. Navigate to the ACCRE Helpdesk tab and click on "create a ticket button" to open the form. You can then either choose to submit user support ticket or software installation ticket. For the helpdesk ticket, please be very descriptive about the issue you are reporting and include logs if possible, to help us assist you better. Upon submission of the form, our staff will reach you shortly,and help you through the issue.

Helpdesk Tickets

Software Installation Request

Group Creation Request

An existing ACCRE user account can request a new group creation through "Request New Group" tab under "My Requests". A first time non-ACCRE user can also request the creation of new group from the form available in the signup process. The signup process is only displayed to a non-ACCRE user. Existing user cannot go to the signup flow again.

Group Creation Request Page


ACCRE admins leverage this functionality to communicate crucial information, such as upcoming system downtimes, essential action items, and alerts for required user actions. PIs receive notifications when users seek to join their group. They can easily approve or deny the membership through the interaction with the notification item.

Status Dashboard

This comprehensive dashboard offers updates on various subsystems within the cluster, providing you with the information needed to make informed decisions and optimize your workflow.

System Status

Cluster utilization

Usage Graphs

Accessible to all ACCRE users, the Usage Graphs feature offers a visual representation of both recent and historical usage statistics for your group or account. While the recent statistics aren't updated in real-time, they are refreshed on a 15-day cycle, providing you with valuable insights into resource utilization trends. Recent Usage Graph

Historical Usage Graph